Kudos for Berry ES

Jenna White
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berry.jpgRecipe for Success Foundation is fortunate to partner with amazing like-minded organizations who help us make our vision to establish healthy eating as the norm become a reality. James Berry Elementary is a perfect example. Thanks to sponsorship from the Aetna Foundation and Healthy Living Matters, we were able to establish our gardens and Seed-to-Plate Nutrition Education™ as a vital learning tool of this new LEED-certified environmental science campus.

We are honored to have played a role in helping Berry earn the 2014 Development of Distinction Award from Urban Land Institute Houston for their success in creating a dynamic, green-concsious campus in a community that has greatly benefited from the revitalization.

After a year of support by our S2P Instructors, Berry has now spread its wings to become a sustainable RFS Affiliate Partner, with classroom teachers having completed training to be certified S2P Instructors and implement our program.

Congrats to Berry and thanks to everyone who helped in our mutual success. Onward and upward!

Watch this ULI video about the campus here: 

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