Family Bites: June 2013 Archives

Motherhood Cooking Classes!

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MotherhoodClass-edited.jpgWe're thrilled to announce that we've partnered with Houston's Motherhood Center to offer hands-on cooking classes for mothers with young children. We've carefully developed curriculum and recipes for new mothers to help ensure mom, baby and the whole family are eating well at any stage.

Classes will be held at RecipeHouse in the Museum District and taught by Seed-to-Plate Nutrition Education™ instructor and chef Emily Brown, RD, LD. Scheduled group classes ($99) and private classes ($250/person or couple) available. Current offerings include: 

Eat This, Baby! Homemade Baby Food Basics is designed especially for mothers of infants (0 - 6+ months) to get their children off to a healthy start from their very first food. The best nutrition for your baby comes straight from your healthy family meals. We demystify the process of scratch-made baby food and teach you how to easily incorporate baby's pureed foods into delicious dishes for everyone at the table-and vice versa.

Eat This, Baby! Baby's First Solid Foods & Transitioning into the Family Meal is designed especially for mothers of toddlers (6 months - 3 years old) to help ensure your children stay on a healthy path with the introduction of solid foods. When baby moves into finger foods and starts eating off of Mom's plate, don't create a separate kid's menu. It's time for them to participate fully in the family meal. Learn to prepare healthy meals that baby and parents will all like!

Find out more, including dates for upcoming classes, and register here.

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This page is an archive of entries in the Family Bites category from June 2013.

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