Children Respond to Cooking: June 2010 Archives

Recipe for Success Foundation's Eat This!™ Summer Campers have spent the month of June learning all about how food is marketed to Americans.  Now they can spot the difference between promotion and facts, read and interpret food labels, and sort their way through compelling advertising and packaging to figure out just which commercial foods are good for them.  Now they have put their new knowledge to work and developed their own healthy food products with produce picked straight from their gardens, which they will sell at their own special market at school.

On Thursday, July 1 between 12:30 and 2:00 stop by and visit these 4th and 5th graders and buy their fabulous seasonal snacks along with an abundant array of fresh picked produce.

Markets will operate at Briscoe Elementary (in the Lawndale area), Mac Gregor Elementary (in Mid-Town), NQ Henderson (near Finnegan Park) and Sylvan Rodriguez (in Gulfton.)  Come early before everything is gone!  Students plan to purchase a permanent amenity for their Recipe Gardens as a lasting legacy of their experience.  See for details of Recipe for Success Foundation programming at each of these schools.

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This page is an archive of entries in the Children Respond to Cooking category from June 2010.

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Children Respond to Cooking: July 2010 is the next archive.

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