In the classroom at Whittier Elementary School with Paul Cruz, age 9

Gracie Cavnar
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This month we made sweet zucchini mini muffins.  They tasted DELICIOUS! We mixed chocolate with the zucchini together and it smelled good too. 

We also did fruit cabob.  We put different kinds of fruit on stick, like strawberrys bananas, oranges, apples, watermelon, pears and mango.  It tasted good and it looked good.

Me and my Mom made fruit cabobs at home, too.  We used strawberry, orange, apple watermelon and pears.  It was delicious; the greatest taste.

In the garden we harvested the radishes because they were ready.  They were all sizes and colors: Red and big, red and small, white and big and white and small. They were rough when I took them out of the ground.

We also removed the lettuce and we weeded so the plants won't die.  I also saw mint leaves, sunflowers, tomatoes and egg plants in the garden.  I tasted the mint leaves and they were--minty!

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